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Jan 232014
Radio Compass

Radio Compass

A new feature recently added is the Field Finder. This will help you determine where Army Air Fields were located. Find fields near a particular city, or in a particular state, country, or region. If you know an air field by name, select that to see where it was located. Also discover the fields where a particular type of training was conducted, like primary flight schools.

To access the Field Finder, click the Field Finder button on the menu bar that appears on the View Items page. Or, click here.

To use the Field Finder, simply Select an option from one of the drop-down boxes, like city, or state, or type. Corresponding locations will automatically appear in the Results box. Now click one of the locations in the results list. You will see the items in the collection associated with that location.

The Field Finder is a great way to explore the numerous air fields, bases, and training facilities represented in the collection.

Browse by Air Field Type

On a related note, a new browse option is also available. Since air fields are now categorized by type of training, you can browse by type.

On the View Items page, simply choose Browse the Collection, then Air Field Types. Select a type.  This lists items from all air fields of the given type. Selecting say, Bombardier, will list items from all the bombardier schools in the collection.

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